escv watermark 01 • East Sussex Community Voice

Young Healthwatch East Sussex

tHROUGH our delivery of Healthwatch in East Sussex we also run Young Healthwatch East Sussex.

YHW White Background • East Sussex Community Voice

Young Healthwatch East Sussex is a youth voice group set up to shine a spotlight on the health and care issues that face children and young people across our county.

It combines traditional youth work practices with creativity, technology, and youth leadership, to create an exciting and engaging program for local young people.

The young people act as community ambassadors and support our projects and campaigns on children and young people’s health and care topics.

Young Healthwatch aims to:

  • Capture young people’s experiences of the Health & Social Care sector in East Sussex.
  • Engage young people to better understand the services that are available to them locally. 
  • Work with young people to ensure their voice is heard by those planning, commissioning, and delivering Health & Care services locally and nationally.
  • Engage with young people across East Sussex and capture their experiences of Health and Social Care.
  • Promote the involvement of young people in the monitoring, commissioning, and provisioning of health and social care services.
Members of a local Healthwatch's Young Healthwatch grouped together taking a selfie with a mobile phone.
Bexhill PCN • East Sussex Community Voice

Healthwatch East Sussex

To find out more about Young Healthwatch and the work we do visit the Healthwatch East Sussex website below.

Focus group • East Sussex Community Voice

Work with ESCV

Let’s chat about your project

If you have a project in mind, or are interested in one of our existing projects – please get in touch.