VCSE Alliance Newsletter May 2023 – Edition 3

East Sussex VCSE Alliance Newsletter logo - a grey square with the VCSE logo in the top left corner, text reading East Sussex Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector Alliance. In the centre is a graphic of a pink open envelope with a pink and purple megaphone coming out.

Welcome to the latest edition of the East Sussex VCSE Alliance newsletter – an Alliance made up of 21 local voluntary and community organisations working across East Sussex.

Have a read of our latest newsletter and find out what’s been happening locally in the VCSE sector.
In this edition you will:

  • Meet the Vice Chair of the Alliance
  • Go on a road trip –  journey through the Alliance’s first year
  • Meet our newest member, Wave Active
  • Hear the latest news from our members and their upcoming events

To read the full newsletter click the button below.

Contact the VCSE Alliance: 

We are keen to hear about your VCSE organisation and any future events or announcements.

To submit an item  in future editions or for further information about the Alliance, please contact:

Anna McCollin-Moore, East Sussex VCSE Alliance Development Officer:

Recent Articles

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