Thank you to our Volunteers! 

ESCV Thank you • East Sussex Community Voice

Today (3rd June) marks the start of Volunteers Week and we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our volunteers!

They represent their communities and are passionate about ensuring patient, public, and community voices are heard and listened to.

They bring a wealth of experience and skills and a genuine desire to improve health and social care for residents of East Sussex.

Over the last 12 months, they have spoken to patients in emergency departments at Eastbourne District General Hospital and Conquest Hospital, heard from residents at care homes in rural Rother, conducted mystery shopping and visited the new Community Diagnostic Centre in Bexhill.

In addition, our Young Healthwatch volunteers have worked with NHS Sussex to create an accreditation framework to award GP surgeries to prove their commitment to being child- and young people-friendly.
We think our volunteers are amazing; they give their time, experience, and skills to support the work of ESCV and Healthwatch. They are involved in our decision-making, represented on our board, and provide lay voices for our work.
Happy Volunteers Week to all our volunteers!

For more information

If you would like to find out more about volunteering with ESCV and Healthwatch, please visit our Get Involved Page for more information.

Or get in touch via:

Phone: 01323 403590


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