Don’t brush it under the carpet campaign 2024

Blue text reading don't brush it under the carpet in a speech bubble in the top left, opposite the NHS Sussex Partnership NHS Foundations trust logo to the right.Underneath is a box with a link and the Hashtag Talk to SomeoneAn cartoon image takes up the rest of the space of a broom brushing a number of cards with words and phrases including sad, lonely, depressed, anxious, grieving and self harm, under a blue striped carpet.

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Sussex have relaunched a campaign to improve mental wellbeing and raise awareness of self-harm and suicide in older people.

The campaign ‘Don’t brush it under the carpet’ is launching for a second year running as we head into winter and aims to reach and support older people who may be feeling low or alone and guide them to the right support.

The campaign also aims to raise awareness of the issue of suicide and self-harm amongst carers, family members and health professionals to enable them to support someone they know who may be struggling..

Here are some of the things you can do to help improve how you are feeling:

  • Talk to someone – tell someone you trust how you’re feeling or contact your GP surgery
  • Text: text the word SUSSEX to 85258
  • Call the Silver Line Helpline for free on 0800 470 80 90.

Find out more on the Don’t brush it under the carpet campaign webpage:

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